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Legal and Criminal Justice
Online, Self-Paced
Legal careers are growing! Join the fascinating field of law by getting trained to work in the legal arena.
Fundamentals of Paralegal
Price: $1,259.00
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The purpose of this course is to provide foundational knowledge of all aspects of the paralegal profession in order to prepare the student for a career as a paralegal. Topics of study include career opportunities, the paralegal workplace, technology, the court system, criminal and civil law, interviewing and investigating skills, and legal writing and research. The course also includes exercises and assignments designed to build critical thinking and hands-on skills..
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I do believe that the certification helped to set me apart from other candidates and am glad I was able to complete the certification so quickly.
The best part about the program was the easy access to it. I would definitely recommend taking an online course to my friends and family.
Personally, I love being able to review the material at my convenience. I would definitely recommend an online course to my friends, family and co-workers.
This was my first online course and having a lack of computer skills, I found the direct attention from my assigned personal TAM to be extremely helpful. I never would have made it through the class to successful completion without ProTrain.
I am now prepared to go out into the workforce and to continue learning all there is to learn.
The legal course that I completed I has definitely helped me make a better decision on what field of law I would like to work in.
Introduction to Writing was a REALLY REALLY GOOD COURSE! I took on a second full-time job and got swamped with work and family obligations. If offered the opportunity again I would take the course again and recommend it to others. I was resourceful enough to print materials from the course and plan to use them for ongoing studying. Seneca Franklin